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"CPJNPOP3Connection MFC class for storing POP3 protocol."
runterload.de Editor: Welcome CPJNPOP3Connection a freeware MFC class (Post Office Protocol v3) supports the POP3 protocol. This is not familiar to all internet protocols POP3 protocol is used to receive Internet e-mail.
-Simple and clean C + + interface.
-Interface is provided by using an easier programming model that allows asynchronous synchronous sockets.
-code is not based on MFC socket classes. This is the problem of lack of classrooms when they are used in NT services a number of reasons, one there.
-No console application can be used without any problems (Again this is not the case for the MFC socket classes).
-connection timeout configured for class can be set via API.
Supports APOP authentication-such as plain text. can free download now CPJNPOP3Connection 1.45.

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